Monday, February 24, 2020

Hello room one parents,

This week was short one but a good one,

This week:
-We are about halfway through our class"Sideways Stories", as we focus on editing and integrating details into our writing.
-In Math we have begun applying our arrays in order to solve multiplication problems
-In Social Studies we have started talking about the First Nations peoples of Alberta
-IN reading we are starting on reader's theatre scripts!

Next week:
-We will be continuing to write and share our class short stories
-In reading, students will begin to select a reader's theatre story to present
-In math, students will practice building larger arrays and using doubling strategies in order to answer more advance multiplication questions

Information items:
-In the classroom, students have the opportunity to use computers for guided reading, as well as doing research. The classroom headphone set is mostly donated from Westjet and we don't currently have a full set. If you are interested, you can send a set of headphones in a labelled ziplock bag.

-As we continue our work with multiplication, it is a great idea to practice it at home! Working on skip counting by 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s for the grade threes, and for the grade 4s, additionally counting by 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s and 8s

That's all from me, have a great weekend!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Week of Feb. 17th-21st. 2020

Hello parents,

I hope every enjoyed Family Day!

Here's a recap of the past two weeks and a look forward:

Last weeks:

-In Math we have been begun working with concepts of multiplication and division by building and naming arrays as well as practicing our 10X tables
-In Writing, the students have begun using the characters they designed to create their own contribution to our class book
-In Social Studies we looked at where natural resources are located in Alberta
-For reading, the students practiced reading and singing the song "Ghost riders in the sky"

This Coming week:
-We will continue to build arrays and begin to see how they can help us with multiplication problems.
-In Social Studies we will begin to learn about Alberta's past, starting with the Blackfoot Confederacy
-In reading we will begin to practice some reader's theatre scripts.

Hope you have a great week!

-Mr. Ursenbach

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Week of Jan 27th-31st.

Hello Room one families,

We had a fantastic week. Here are some of the highlights:

-On Thursday we had the amazing opportunity to go watch the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra play an interpretation of the classic Canadian story "The Hockey Sweater". Thank you to all the parents who came out to volunteer for our field trip!
-We have really been enjoying creating and sharing characters for our class story book
-In Social Studies we brainstormed the products that come from natural resources

Next Week:
-In Mathematics we will be starting to learn about multiplication and division!
-In Language Arts we will be doing some story boarding activities to understand main events and problems in stories
-In Science we will be talking about renewable and non-renewable resources
-Belfasty Day this Friday!

Have a great week,
